To get those WOW Abs, it's important to concentrate on three essential practices and they are: Proper Diet, Right Workout Plan and Patience. Yes, these three are the key factors which can help you to get those desirable abs you always wanted to. There are many different exercises, if done properly, can help you to get the right abs within two months. Not to forget, without a proper diet plan, it won't be possible to get those perfect abs. High quality protein diet is a basic need, which helps to build muscles and gives us energy to do hard work.
Here We Go:
For getting killer abs, we should concentrate on the three portions of our body and they are upper, middle and lower. It takes time to see some noticeable results, so don't get upset, just push yourself a little harder to see where you can be after few weeks of workout.
Crunches, Hanging Knee Raises, Sit-Ups (Elbow to Knee Twist) are some of the best to start with your upper abdominal exercises. Crunches are my all time favorite, these can be done anywhere and is one of the most common exercise for abs. Simply lie down on your back and only lift your upper back from the floor. You can also place your hands behind neck or head, remember, do not put pressure in your neck, use the strength and energy from your abdominal only. This exercise will strengthen your muscles as well as upper back together.
Here We Go:
For getting killer abs, we should concentrate on the three portions of our body and they are upper, middle and lower. It takes time to see some noticeable results, so don't get upset, just push yourself a little harder to see where you can be after few weeks of workout.
Crunches, Hanging Knee Raises, Sit-Ups (Elbow to Knee Twist) are some of the best to start with your upper abdominal exercises. Crunches are my all time favorite, these can be done anywhere and is one of the most common exercise for abs. Simply lie down on your back and only lift your upper back from the floor. You can also place your hands behind neck or head, remember, do not put pressure in your neck, use the strength and energy from your abdominal only. This exercise will strengthen your muscles as well as upper back together.
For middle abdominal, consider exercises like jogging, swimming, cycling, sit ups, skipping, weight training and many more. Sit-ups and running strengthens your middle abdominal and back muscles. The bicycle exercise is best for abdominal muscles. To do this exercise, lie down on flat surface on your back and extend your legs straight in front of you forming an L shape. Now, alternatively start moving your legs like you are riding a bicycle. Make sure that you are doing it slowly and are engaging your core throughout this to make it much better for your back.
My favorites for lower abdominal exercises are Incline Leg Raises, Reverse Crunches, pelvic tilt and planks. This exercises are just awesome for getting those perfect abs quickly. Planks not only works for abdominal, but it also strengthens muscles of whole body. The best part about this exercise is that it doesn't requires any equipment. To do this exercise, lie down on the floor, like you are performing a push up. Make sure that your back is straight and your head, neck and spine are parallel to the ground. In beginning, hold this position for 20 seconds. Repeat daily and hold your position for longer time. Leg raises are simple, but great for results. To perform this one, simply lie down on your back and lifts up your legs slowly up to 45-degree angle. Hold it right there for few seconds then low down your legs, make sure that they are not touching the floor. Keep your legs two inches above the floor and repeat the process.
Proper Diet is the Key:
Skipping your breakfast and meals is not going to help you to get those perfect abs. Always eat and drink high quality protein food, keeping muscles in mind. Foods that are rich in high fiber and proteins like fruits, eggs, fish, green vegetables, lean meat and peanut butter are best for getting energy and doing workouts effectively. Drink lots of water, I would say 3-4 liters of water would be great. Water not only helps your muscles to grow, but it also gives you healthy skin and keeps body weight in control.
Remember, when you are doing workouts for abs to get one like your favorite celebrities and athletes, avoid drinking soda and sugar from your diet.
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